Why Intensive Driving Courses Are Popular

In the past few years, intensive driving courses have grown in popularity like never before. Students seem to prefer this type of course to taking weekly lessons over a longer period.


  • This type of course can help you achieve test standard quicker.
    First things first; anybody who chooses an intensive driving course will find that it speeds up the learning process, because you can be taught up to six teaching hours per day. So, you could be taught the same number of driving subjects that may have taken as long as six weeks whilst taking hourly lessons.
  • You learn better
    With intensive driving courses, there is normally enough time to re-practice each driving skill; you can really get into the specifics of the required driving skills to help you reach driving test standard, but an hourly lesson does not always give you the opportunity to practice due to the lack of time available.
  • Cost effective
    With Pass Now Ltd you can choose from several different Intensive driving courses to best suit your driving standard and budget. There is an online discount and a free theory & practical test offer with every course. You will find the courses cost effective and you can possibly achieve a full driving licence within a few weeks.

If these points have given you reasons to think about booking an intensive driving course, then contact Pass Now Ltd to discuss further. Pass Now Ltd offer courses across the UK. Checkout our website – https://www.pass-now.co.uk/ for more information or call Tel: 07843355577.