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Intensive Driving Courses Harrow

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Intensive driving courses in Harrow ranging from 4 days up to 2 weeks

Free Test Offers with Your Intensive Driving Course 

Your driving test fee is included in the course price

Very Competitive Prices

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Why choose to book an intensive driving course?

An intensive driving course is possibly the fastest way to complete the required lessons to reach test standard and drive away with a full licence within just a few weeks.

Pass Now Ltd will book your theory & practical tests and recommend an approved driving instructor registered with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency. (DVSA).

The course will be tailored to your driving experience and taught on a one to one basis in a dual controlled car.

The lessons will be around your local area with frequent visits to the test routes that you may encounter on your driving test.

Intensive driving courses enable you to keep practicing newly learnt skills to help perfect your driving ability and achieve the confidence to drive independently within a short time, unlike weekly lessons. 

Call one of the team to discuss your course in more detail.


Other Postcode Teaching Areas

Wembley, Ruislip, Stanmore, Edgware, Brent

Block Booking Driving Lessons, DVSA Aprroved Driving Instructors, Maunual and Automatic Intensive Driving Courses